
Nicotine withdrawal timeline
Nicotine withdrawal timeline

This is hugely important as the former smoker develops new responses to any habitual triggers to smoke over the first few weeks of being a happy non-smoker. This leaves the smoker to handle the extremely mild symptoms of nicotine withdrawal without having to experience the discomfort of feeling that they are missing out on something they used to enjoy or receive benefit from. This effectively destroys the belief that they need the drug/smoking/nicotine and simultaneously removes the “want to smoke/vape” which ends/cures/stops/destroys/neutralises the addiction. The smoker then concludes that there aren’t any factual advantages or benefits to be obtained from nicotine and therefore there is no point in doing it. That struggle or craving is caused by the nicotine addict feeling deprived of what they think is a genuine pleasure or crutch.Įasyway goes on to reveal how the nicotine addict’s belief system surrounding the drug, that it helps them to relax, socialize, handle stress, concentrate, enjoy alcohol, take a break from work, and so on, is illusory and based on misinformation, misinterpretation of personal experiences, and their addiction to nicotine. Once a nicotine addict understands Allen Carr’s Easyway we explain how nicotine addiction, irrespective of nicotine’s influence on dopamine levels, is actually extremely mild, and that the really unpleasant symptoms a nicotine addict suffers when they try to quit without Easyway’s help, are the result of a mental struggle. In other words – a smoker smokes in order to feel like a non-smoker and a vaper vapes in order to feel like a non-vaper. They don’t suffer nicotine poisoning, nicotine withdrawal or the aberrational/unnatural impact nicotine has on dopamine and their behaviour.Īll a smoker or vaper is trying to achieve when they light a cigarette or have a vape is to recapture the feeling of peace, calm, tranquillity and completeness they enjoyed their entire lives before they lit their first experimental cigarette or vaped for the first time. Non-smokers don’t have to deal with any of the mental and physical aggravation of being addicted to nicotine. And every single time they light a cigarette in one of those situations – the brain concludes, non-consciously, “next time that happens – do that again!” hence the craving. It’s no wonder they think nicotine helps them to be happy or to concentrate, or to cope with sadness and stress, and to help them relax or cope with boredom or loneliness! It’s got nothing to do with genuine pleasure or genuine improvement of mood. Whether a smoker is in a happy situation, a concentration situation, a sad situation, a stress situation, a relaxing situation, a boring situation, or a lonely situation they simultaneously experience nicotine withdrawal, and respond by lighting a cigarette or having a vape, thereby immediately feeling better than a moment before and oblivious to the fact that that cigarette or vape will perpetuate nicotine withdrawal once it is smoked or vaped. In other words, the behaviour of lighting a cigarette in response to experiencing nicotine withdrawal is reinforced every time a smoker lights a cigarette or has a vape regardless of the fact that the next cigarette or vape will also cause nicotine withdrawal. The brain concludes, non-consciously, “next time you feel nicotine withdrawal – do that again!”. It is momentarily “relieved” by the next cigarette. Nicotine withdrawal is the result of the first ever cigarette a nicotine addict smoked. However, with Allen Carr’s Easyway this should not be the case because there is no sense of loss or feeling that you are giving up something that you really want and need. This is why the first few days after quitting smoking can be among the toughest when the cravings first begin and can be most intense. Most of the nicotine leaves the body over the following 48 hours until, after a maximum of 3 weeks there are no traces left. How long does nicotine withdrawal last / does it take for your body to stop craving nicotine? When does nicotine withdrawal start?Ĭigarette withdrawal or more accurately nicotine withdrawal begins as soon as a cigarette is extinguished, nicotine starts to withdraw from the body and the smoker can experience physical and mental symptoms. When smoked it reaches the brain in about seven seconds 1. However it is absorbed, it enters the bloodstream and circulates around the body to the brain. It is also possible to absorb it through the skin. When sniffed or chewed it is absorbed through the nose or mouth. When tobacco smoke or vapour is inhaled, nicotine is absorbed through the wall lining of the lungs.

Nicotine withdrawal timeline